Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory
Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory

Kreivo Network


Virto Network (on Polkadot) gives cryptocurrencies utility in the real world, it allows people to securely exchange any kind of products or services via decentralized marketplaces that contribute to the economic development of local communities.

Before Virto there is Kreivo Network, a token-less parachain for Kusama focused on real-world use cases such as bridging Fiat money with decentralized on & off-ramps, d-commerce or any marketplace communities that transact with day-to-day life goods and services.

Parathread on Kusama
In Auction on Kusama
August 24, 2023
July 25, 2024
the slot lease expired
Auction 102: WINNER
Leasing: August 24, 2023 - July 25, 2024
Parathread ID: 2281 
Last Bid: 10 KSM
Leading Blocks:  100%
Slot Acquisition: self-funded
Developer Activity
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Sep 10, 2023 at 06:03 UTC
Virto Network gives cryptocurrencies utility in the real world, it allows people to securely exchange any kind of products or services via decentralized marketplaces that contribute to the economic development of local communities.
Slot Acquisition: self-funded
Last Bid: 10 KSM
Leading Blocks: 100%
Leasing: August 23, 2023 - August 1, 2024
Virto Network is the winner of Kusama Auction #102