Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory
Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory

Mangata X


Mangata X is a community-owned exchange for experienced traders & experimental tokens.

A cross-chain AMM (automated market maker) DEX (decentralized exchange) with low fixed-fees, without additional network fees, resistant to front-running and MEV (miner extractable value).

Related Project:   Mangata  Mangata
Tokens:  MGX
Parathread on Kusama
In Auction on Kusama
December 28, 2023
October 19, 2024
~84 days remained
Auction 26: WINNER
Leasing: April 3, 2022 - March 7, 2023
Crowdloan ID: 2110-66 
Funds Raised: 14 000 KSM ($306 880)
Leading Blocks:  99.09%
Project Auction Info:  crowdloan details 
Reward: 1 KSM : 6 250+ MGX
Crowdloan Cap: 14 000 KSM
Reward Pool: 140m of 1b (14%)
  • 21% of MGX will be available when transfers are enabled
  • 79% rewards will be linearly released
  • active Kusama DEX user receive 30% bonus
  • early Mangata community members receive 50% bonus
  • 10% referral bonus (split 5% to referrer & 5% to referred)
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Auction 68: WINNER
Leasing: January 24, 2023 - December 27, 2023
Crowdloan ID: 2256-91 
Funds Raised: 5 999 KSM ($131 500)
Leading Blocks:  100%
Project Auction Info:  crowdloan details 
Reward: 1 KSM : 5 000+ MGX
Crowdloan Cap: 6 000 KSM
Reward Pool: 30m of 1b (3%)
  • crowdloan supporters will receive 50% of their rewards immediately. The remaining rewards will vest linearly over the remainder of the parachain lease.
  • minimum contribution: 1 KSM
  • 25% ref. bonus
Auction 119: WINNER
Leasing: December 28, 2023 - October 19, 2024
Parathread ID: 2110 
Last Bid: 20 KSM
Leading Blocks:  100%
Slot Acquisition: self-funded
Screenshots (1)
Developer Activity
If you have a connection to this project, kindly Contact Us to keep the details current
Primary Token:
Total Supply:
1 000 000 000
Crowdloan Reward Pool:
30 000 000 (3% of Total Supply)
MGX Distribution
Apr 2, 2024 at 14:45 UTC
Dec 21, 2023 at 06:29 UTC
Mangata X is a community-owned exchange for experienced traders & experimental tokens. A cross-chain AMM (automated market maker) DEX (decentralized exchange) with low fixed-fees, without additional network fees, resistant to front-running and MEV (miner extractable value).
Slot Acquisition: self-funded
Last Bid: 20 KSM
Leading Blocks: 100%
Leasing: December 28, 2023 - December 6, 2024
Mangata X has won Kusama Auction #119
Oct 10, 2023 at 05:28 UTC
Sep 20, 2023 at 13:52 UTC
Apr 24, 2023 at 15:30 UTC
Mar 27, 2023 at 06:01 UTC
Mar 9, 2023 at 07:22 UTC
Feb 24, 2023 at 10:08 UTC
Feb 6, 2023 at 04:35 UTC
Reward: 1 KSM : 5 000+ MGX
Funds Raised: 5 999 KSM
Leading Blocks: 100%
Leasing: January 24, 2023 - January 3, 2024

Moonriver has won Kusama Auction #68
Jan 18, 2023 at 06:55 UTC
Nov 9, 2022 at 00:00 UTC
Oct 17, 2022 at 00:00 UTC
Oct 8, 2022 at 00:00 UTC
Jun 8, 2022 at 08:26 UTC
Mar 30, 2022 at 00:00 UTC
Mar 8, 2022 at 00:00 UTC
Feb 14, 2022 at 00:00 UTC