Sakura is a substrate-based parachain candidate specifically built for the cross-chain DeFi ecosystem on Kusama. The Clover Finance team envisions Sakura to live on as the innovative sister network of Clover, with both Clover and Sakura continuing to serve their communities simultaneously.
Sakura will utilize all of the core underlying technology stack that Clover has created and is continuously innovating. The Clover extension wallet will natively support Sakura dApps on EVM, polkadot.js based injections, and a native-built SKU<->ETH and SKU<->BSC bridge. The trustless cross-chain bridge for Ethereum and Bitcoin will be utilized on both Sakura and Clover. Sakura will ultimately aim to be a parachain Operating System with a storage layer, smart contract layer, DeFi protocol layer and eApp layer built on top of Kusama.

- 28% SKU will be unlocked for the crowdloan participants to utilize right away with the Sakura platform
- 72% will be unlocked linearly for 48 weeks
- 5% bonus for first 1 000 users