Pendulum is an open-source blockchain that aims to establish the missing link between the fiat and the DeFi ecosystems through a fiat-optimized smart contract blockchain.
Pendulum is built with Substrate and will allow connecting DeFi applications to the foreign exchange market, building automated market makers (AMMs) to introduce scalable liquidity pools for fiat currencies, and create yield earning opportunities for fiat token holders.

- 10% of PEN will be available at TGE
- 90% of PEN will vest/unlock linearly (every block) over a 96 week period
- 3% bonus for Amplitude contributors
- 5% for signing up on the waitlist
- 5% for Amplifier campaign participation
- 15% bonus for contributions in the first 100,000 DOT
- 10% bonus for contributions between 100 001 and 200 000 DOT
- 5% bonus for contributions between 200 001-300 000 DOT
Are there any Pendulum tokens available?
No tokens have been released by Pendulum. Any existing tokens with the same or similar name have no affiliation with us.
How can I purchase PEN tokens?
Currently there is no option to purchase PEN tokens. Participating in the upcoming crowdloans is the best way of obtaining tokens.
Where can I use the Testnet?
The Rococo Testnet is scheduled to launch in Q3 this year.
When is Pendulum going to launch?
Pendulum Kusama Mainnet is projected to launch in Q3 this year. Pendulum Polkadot Mainnet is projected to launch in Q4 this year.
When is the TGE (Token Generation Event)?
We will generate tokens when rolling out the Kusama and Polkadot Mainnet respectively.
When will Pendulum participate in a Kusama & Polkadot parachain auction?
We are planning to participate in both parachain auctions. The Kusama crowdloan will likely start in Q3 this year. The Polkadot crowdloan is projected to start in Q4.
What kind of smart contracts will the Pendulum VM support?
Pendulum will support EVM as well as WASM smart contracts.
Is there a possibility to use XLM for gas fees on Pendulum?
TX fees will be settled in Pendulum's native token PEN, however, we are exploring accepting other tokens to settle transaction fees as well.
What is Spacewalk?
The Spacewalk bridge will enable Pendulum chain to utilize the multitude of fiat stable tokens on the Stellar blockchain and help build the fiat DeFi future. Spacewalk is the first bridge between the Stellar network and the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystems, which opens up a flow of stable tokens from the Stellar network. Based on XCLAIM and interBTC, it is implemented as a Substrate pallet and allows any Substrate-based blockchain to implement a direct Stellar bridge.